Even if you access a website from a search
Result and click on an internal link within the site, it will not be reflected in the " Number of Clicks " in Search Console. What are impressions, position, and clicks? – Search Console Help Number of views "Number of impressions" refers to the number of times your website's pages appear on users' Google search results screens. This is the number of times your site's page URL was included in the search results, not the number of times users viewed it . For example, Google's search results display rankings 1 to 10 on the first page, but if your content is ranked 10th, users will have to scroll to position 10 to see your content.However, even if you click on the 1st or 2nd place content, your company's Phone Number List content is still displayed on the same search results page, so it is counted as the number of impressions. site map A site map is an easy-to-understand representation of what pages and content this site has . There are two types of sitemaps: HTML sitemaps, which are created on a website to introduce the site's structure to users, and XML sitemaps, which provide the site's structure to crawlers. . The latter type of “XML sitemap” is used in Search Console. The registration method will be explained later. 10 features you should use in Google Search Console Here are 10 features of Google Search Console that you should take advantage of.
Even if you have only used one or two types of functions, please take advantage of this opportunity. search performance " Search Performance " is a feature that allows you to understand at a glance how your media is performing in search results. Click "Search Performance" in the left column to measure the performance of your site registered with Search Console. Search Performance Report – Search Console Help Search performance shows the following four metrics: Search performance image Total number of clicks Total impressions CTR (Click Through Rate) Average position These numbers can be narrowed down using the following five filters.