The sorts of blogs you can’t help but share on your personal Facebook page
eGain doesn’t just make apps for customer relationship management software, they’ve created one of the best web experiences we’ve ever encountered. From the moment customers step foot on the website, they’re made the heroes, and allowed to customize their discovery experience by industry: eGain The eGain user experience is a bit like stepping into a great big library, and being able to pick the story you want to read most.Takeaway Whether you’ve resisted using brand storytelling as a content strategy, or you’re not quite Iran WhatsApp Number Data sure where your company falls on the spectrum, marketer Katya Anderson cautions that the following tactics definitely aren’t an effective narrative: Stating Your Company Mission Spewing Jargon Boring Content Does that mean there’s no place for a clearly-stated manifesto on your website? Absolutely not.
Define your values, but don’t use your blog as a platform for talking about what you do. Make the shift to describing why it matters to your customers, and how it has helped their business. Brand storytelling done the right way can compel your prospects with social proof, and create an audience that’s engaged enough to keep listening. Copywriting Tips & Hacks for Appealing Content Copywriting Tips & Hacks Ever wonder about the difference between quality content.