With the aim of complying with the mobility plans set by Europe for the next decade, we are not only in a context of transition towards electric vehicles in the private sphere, but it is necessary to reduce polluting emissions from public transport by renewing fleets , which until not long ago, were plagued by diesel vehicles. In Spain, and as required by the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law , more than 150 large cities have already implemented measures such as Low Emission Zones to restrict traffic , but in the field of public transport there is still much to do .
Proof of this is that one of the largest fleets of urban buses, such as that of Madrid, with more than 2,100 vehicles in operation , has been the last to announce its plans to be more sustainable. The necessary Cell Phone Number List transformation of public transport Buses Gas Emt Progressively removing cars from the centers of the main cities to reduce both environmental and noise pollution and encourage the use of public transport and other more sustainable forms of mobility is one of the keys to the cities of the future that the Commission wants European .

Cities want to recover the space given up to cars: in some, buying a normal model already costs as much as a house IN MOTORPASIÓN Cities want to recover the space given up to cars: in some, buying a normal model already costs as much as a house Practical examples of this are the 15-minute cities in which France is already working or the superblock projects in Spanish cities such as Zaragoza or Barcelona. Not even Norway, the paradise of the electric car and the one with the highest number of electric cars per capita , wants cars in its urban center even if they are ecological, as it advocates using public transport or Personal Mobility Vehicles (PMV) in its place. Within the framework of the Madrid 360 Plan , the Community Council has just announced that starting this month every last diesel bus left in the garages will be removed.