next four years, like the previous ones, we will be able to enjoy institutional stability and certainty” and “we are going to propose, without any type of sectarianism, to continue growing,” Emiliano García-Page remarked this afternoon during the inauguration of his position as president of Castilla-La Mancha, an institutional act with which he has begun a new mandate at the head of “a cooperative and supportive region,” he stressed.
“Wealth is important to create, especially if it is to be shared,” emphasized García-Page, who has reiterated the need to “grow and share,” because “growing will lead us to continue strengthening our Health, our Education, Dependency.” ”, he summarized.
In the Fuensalida Palace, headquarters of the Presidency, and before a broad representation of Castilian-La Mancha society, the regional president has sworn in with the determination to make himself available to “not only this land, but my country,” he said. reviewed, because “the autonomous State is, rather, the refined, diversified, enriched unit,” he concluded.
“The autonomies are not there to cut up Spain,” especially in the fiscal field, he clarified, while indicating that, “on the contrary, we are here to amplify the advantages of the country, its plurality and diversity, but knowing that Outlook Email Lists autonomy is only can preach unity,” he stressed. In this regard, he has highlighted that "one is autonomous with respect to sovereignty, which resides solely and exclusively in the Spanish people", words that he pronounced in a ceremony that culminated, precisely, with the national anthem of Spain. .
In the presence of the former Castilian-La Mancha presidents José Bono and José María Barreda, Emiliano García-Page has shown that Castilla-La Mancha is an “inclusive” region, we are constructive, we participate in State politics because we are a State, and therefore, I believe that we are compliant with the objectives set for us by the Constitution,” he went into depth. In this sense, he has concluded that “we faithfully represent” a model in which “autonomies have been impressive accelerators of Health and Education.”
At the beginning of this third consecutive term in the Autonomous Community, he acknowledged that he was clear about “what the autonomies are for and what they are not for”, which is why he has highlighted the importance of celebrating this “solemn act”. At this point, he has alluded to “a former pro-independence president in this country”, of whom he has indicated that he “is going to have a lot of problems” for not abiding by the Constitution and the rule of law, he has summarized. For all this, he has stressed that "we have a role to play" and that is to "prevent a strictly bilateral debate from always being established" in Spain, where "we play a role of multilateralism", he has valued.

Also supported by the first vice president of the Government of Spain and minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño; and for the Minister of Territorial Policy and spokesperson for the national Government, Isabel Rodríguez, President García-Page thanked the “tons of affection” received in his political career. “It matters a lot,” he has delved into, in defense and recognition of “many politicians who in this country go out of their way, leave themselves in tatters.”