If you pass the certification exam, ClickMinded will issue you with an SEO certification for free. 6. Introduction to SEO by WordPress Cost: Free Duration: 1 hour If you're looking for self-guided SEO courses, WordPress has one. With their Intro to SEO course , you will learn all the basics of search engine optimization. WordPress course page "Intro to SEO This beginner's course teaches you everything from creating optimized content to optimizing for keywords to increasing traffic.
This is a self-study course divided into bite-sized sections so you can easily learn SEO. This course will allow you to acquire the basics of SEO so that you can apply it to your website. 7. SEO Specialization by UC Davis Cost: Free registration, financial aid available for the course Australia Phone Number Data Duration: 3 months at 10 hours per week Another SEO certification course you can take is the SEO Specialization from the University of California, Davis .
This is one of the best SEO courses for people who want to learn in a university-style format. The course is taught by two instructors who teach all five courses in the certification. “Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Specialization” course page The five courses cover the following topics: Introduction to Google SEO SEO Basics Optimizing your website for search engines Content and Social Tactics for SEO End-of-studies project including competitive analysis, keyword maps and SEO pitch .