It is possible to detect real sources of traffic and transform a portion of these Internet users into visitors to your site thanks to adapted content . Research data Search data (available in Google Keyword Planner , the Google AdWords keyword planning tool) provides valuable insights to locate the most popular topics in your market. For example, for a given keyword: search volumes (average monthly) search seasonality search location competition Note that it is possible to filter this data by geographic area or by language.
Visibility data It is possible to complete this semantic study with the positioning of your site in order to determine its visibility for each keyword or thematic set of keywords studied (the average positioning of your site Hong Kong Phone Number for a keyword can be provided by tools positioning tracking such as Semrush or Myposeo ): average positioning (for a given keyword or thematic set) responsive page (for a given keyword) Google is scrutinizing the quality of content more than ever.

And if for a given theme and sub-theme of keywords (let's take for example, for the travel theme and the hiking sub-theme, the keyword "sleeping bag"), your site does not appear first page of search engines, then it is possible to seek traffic by developing adapted content (The 10 most beautiful destinations for sleeping under the stars, for example) or by improving existing content.